Saturday, March 22, 2014

Women have been objectified in today's society and are very often thought of as less than men in comparison.  Women are objectified in a male dominant society. Women of power and influence are compromised and stereotyped, which also makes makes the empowerment of other women very difficult.  In today's society women are mostly compromised in politics, television and films, and in businesses.

How are women underrepresented and misrepresented in politics?

Source: 2012. Women Politics Statics. [Info-graphic]. Retrieved from

Every year since 1978 more women have been elected into the senate, but women today remain disproportionate to men in politics in general in the US government and around the globe. In the vast majority of governments around around the world women make up less than the 40% of those in the lower or single house of their government.  The United States is ranked number 83 in the world at  18.3%.  In the higher ranks of government there are even lower percentages of women holding those positions.  The media contributes to misrepresentation of women in politics.  Women candidates are more likely to be targeted by their traits and appearance by the media, objectifying them and diminishing the issues female candidates are trying address.  A large number of women are often discouraged from social activism, let alone running for office or election, due to objectification of women.  Objectification of women and stereotypers are helping to maintain the inequality of women in politics.

How are women treated versus men in businesses?

Source: 2012. Time Magazine Cover. Photo. Retrieved from

Stereotypes of women is the leading reason to why women are treated differently than men in business.  Powerful women are put in a no win situation due to stereotypes. They are often made out to “bitchy”, conniving, emotional, and weak.  According to male leaders are allowed to have complex personalities, powerful women are often summed up by hackneyed stereotypes that undermine them and their power. Out of all of the fortune 500 companies only 23 companies have women CEOs.  Stereotypes between men and women are mostly to blame for the lack of women at CEOs and other high profile positions in companies.

How is a woman's role diminished in the TV and film industry?

Source: 2012 .A guy with some girls and a statistic. [Photograph]. Retrieve from

San Diego State University annually collects data of women's positions in the top films of the year. The women to men ratio in tv and film is pretty even, but the roles women play in movies and tv-shows are significantly different. In 2013’s top 100 films females comprised 15% of protagonists, 29% of major characters, and 30% of all speaking characters.  Often roles of women in TV and films are stereotyped and/or sexualized.  Behind the scene roles in films are also dominated by men. Overall, women accounted for 16% of all directors, executive producers, producers, writers, cinematographers, and editors.  

What are some solutions as to how women can begin to empower themselves?

Source:  Empowering Women Symbol. [Digital Image]. Retrieve from

Women can begin to empower themselves through women that are already in power and encourage other women to pursue male dominant areas and defy the status quot. Once women are in high profile positions they can open pathways and be examples for other women.  For example research done by San Diego State University showed that films with at least one women behind the scenes had a greater percentage of women actors than films with no women behind the scenes.  Women can also help spread awareness of the inequality and objectification of women in society.  Women should be true to themselves, while being assertive and demonstrating that they are just as valuable and qualified as men.