Saturday, March 22, 2014

How are women underrepresented and misrepresented in politics?

Source: 2012. Women Politics Statics. [Info-graphic]. Retrieved from

Every year since 1978 more women have been elected into the senate, but women today remain disproportionate to men in politics in general in the US government and around the globe. In the vast majority of governments around around the world women make up less than the 40% of those in the lower or single house of their government.  The United States is ranked number 83 in the world at  18.3%.  In the higher ranks of government there are even lower percentages of women holding those positions.  The media contributes to misrepresentation of women in politics.  Women candidates are more likely to be targeted by their traits and appearance by the media, objectifying them and diminishing the issues female candidates are trying address.  A large number of women are often discouraged from social activism, let alone running for office or election, due to objectification of women.  Objectification of women and stereotypers are helping to maintain the inequality of women in politics.

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